General Relativity(GR); Quantum Gravity; String Theory and M-Theory. 广义相对论(GR);量子引力;弦论和M-理论。
As currently understood, general relativity and quantum mechanics are incompatible. 就现在的理解,广义相对论(GR)和量子力学是不相容的。
In some cases, both general relativity and quantum mechanics converge. 在某些情形里,广义相对论(GR)和量子力学集中于一点。
What was the thought experiment that led Einstein to general relativity? 是什么样的思维实验让爱因斯坦得出了广义相对论(GR)?
Einstein : A theoretical physicist who developed the theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in physics. 爱因斯坦:理论物理学家,广义相对论(GR)开创者,该理论在物理学范围内引起了一场革命。