Jeroen helps customers on enterprise Java performance issues and is instructor of Java Performance Tuning(JPT) courses. Jeroen帮助他的客户攻克企业级Java系统的性能问题,他同时还是Java性能调试课程的讲师。
Pratik also talked about organizing multiple persistence units ( PU ) and performance tuning techniques in Java applications that are using JPA API for persistence requirements. Pratik谈到了如何为使用JPAAPI实现持久化的Java应用设计多个持久化单元(persistenceunits,即PU),也谈到相关的性能调优技术。
Performance and Tuning of Java Virtual Machine Java虚拟机性能及调优
This article introduced DB2 UDB performance monitoring and tuning fundamentals using a sample Java program ( PERFORMER ). 本文使用Java示例程序(PERFORMER)介绍了DB2UDB性能监控和调优基础。
Identifying and tuning performance hotspots during Java development 在Java开发期间识别和调整性能热点