As more Internet users begin searches on Amazon's marketplace which comprises an array of vendors besides itself Google loses an opportunity to show them ads. 随着更多的网络用户开始在亚马逊的集市上搜索产品――亚马逊的集市上除了亚马逊本身外还有很多零售商――谷歌失去了一个向这些用户显示广告的机会。
At lunch time, you should begin with the selection of dim sum, which is an innovative array of the traditional tea snacks with a Thai twist. 午餐时分,你应该从选择点心开始。这里的一系列点心制作很有创意,是对传统小茶点进行了泰式改良。
We begin by doing a neural surgical procedure, to implant a silicon based electrode array that you are seeing on the right. 一开始,我们做一个神经手术,植入一个电极排列芯片,正如大家在右边说看到的。