Shapiro said mobile television will be a major focus of CES, and products that play live TV on the go should hit the market in2010. 夏培罗表示,移动电视将成为本届CES的重点,可以获得直播信号的移动电视产品也将在2010年受到市场的广泛关注。
Remains of modern architecture has not only historical characteristics, and for a long period of time continued to play live, the use of production functions; At the same time, as urban development, these buildings will inevitably have real mitigation. 遗存至今的近代建筑,不仅富有历史特色,而且在相当长的时期内还继续发挥着生活、生产的使用功能;与此同时,随着城市建设的发展,这些建筑实物又难免有所消减。
We kept the feel and arrangement true to how we play it live. 我们保持这首歌的感觉和编曲,完全忠实于我们现场演奏(PL)。
Now, I only play at live tournaments or at private games in Vegas. 现在我只打现场直播的比赛和拉斯维加斯的私人牌局。