As a politician Jefferson(JEFF) frequently lashed out at the press 作为一个政治人物,杰斐逊常常抨击新闻界。
Jefferson(JEFF) was generous to a fault 杰斐逊大方得过了头。
When Jefferson(JEFF) didn't like a pair of goblets given to him as a gift, he asked a local smith to melt them down 杰斐逊不喜欢别人作为礼物送给他的一对高脚杯,就请当地的一个工匠把酒杯熔毁了。
Jefferson(JEFF) had congratulated his fellow-citizens on possessing a chosen country. 杰斐逊曾恭贺他的同胞有一块得天独厚的国土。
Thomas Jefferson(JEFF) and James Madison met in 1776. 托马斯杰斐逊和詹姆斯麦迪逊相识于1776年。