To foreigners, the complex form of simple verb predicate in Russion is difficult to understand. 俄语中简单动词谓语的繁化形式是非母语学生难以理解和掌握的语法点之一。
On the complex form of simple verb predicate 论俄语简单动词谓语的繁化形式
It should be paid more attention to the complex form of such simple verb predicate as verb + verb, verb + noun, verb + adverb, modal particle + verb, and so on. 因此,俄语研究和教学中要特别注意动词+动词、动词+名词、动词+副词、语气词+动词等几种类型的简单动词谓语的繁化形式。
Complex psychological verbs of one syllable syllable verb has a strong psychological dependence. 复音节心理动词对单音节心理动词具有较强的依赖性。
The main ( or independent ) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb. 复杂句中的主句至少有一个主语和一个动词。