The joint application of testing and simulation is analyzed and based on an actual office building test data, this paper compare these two methods. Then it analyses the comprehensive energy efficiency potentiality and presents a proper retrofit plan. 对调查实测与模拟方法的联合应用进行了探讨,并以某办公建筑的调查实测数据与模拟进行了对比,然后综合分析该建筑的节能潜力,并给出了可行的改造方法。
Joint Genotype Distribution of Related Individuals and its Application in Kinship Testing 相关个体基因型联合概率分布及在身份鉴定中的应用
Including packaged the underlying code, the middle layer, joint commissioning with the application and code maintenance, and with the testers testing, module-related problems resolved. 完成了此模块底层代码的封装,中间层的代码编写,配合应用层人员联合调试和测试人员的功能测试及相关问题的解决。