Bluetooth is an international wireless communication technology within a limited range, it is intended to establish a general radio air interface between immobility and mobile communication products, and mainly used in wireless personal area network. 蓝牙是一种国际通用的短距离无线通信技术,其目的在于为固定设备或移动设备之间的通信环境建立通用的无线空中接口,主要应用于无线个人局域网。
In this article we describe the physical layer specification of IEEE 802.16, which is an international standard of broadband wireless access technology. 本文以宽带无线接入的一个国际标准IEEE802.16为例,详细阐述了宽带无线接入的物理层规范。
In the current domestic and international communications industry, wireless network communication technology in all fields has been widely used. 在目前国内外通信技术行业中,无线网络通信技术在各个领域内得到了广泛的应用。
MEMS technology attracts international attention in applications for wireless communications, microwave technology, and these applications have become an important research direction for MEMS. MEMS技术在无线通讯、微波技术上的应用受到国际上的广泛重视,目前已经成为MEMS研究的重要方向。