These children have special educational needs and require one-to-one attention. 这些孩子需要进行特别教育,他们需要一对一的关注。
" A quarter of all special educational needs statements are in language and communication needs," she said. “所有特殊教育中有四分一需要用语言进行陈述并且有沟通的需求。”她说。
Children with special educational needs are integrated into ordinary schools as far as possible. 教育署会尽量安排有特殊教育需要的儿童,入读普通学校。
However, although these pupils had additional needs for a period of time, this should not have required special educational needs to have been identified. 可是,尽管这些学生在一段时期内有额外需要,但这并不能认定其要接受特殊教育的需要。
Early identification of special educational needs is important. 能够及早发现儿童是否有特殊教育需要是十分重要的。