Formats and protocols that offer a reference implementation are much easier to adopt and propagate. 提供了参考实现的格式和协议更容易被采纳和传播。
The TIFF image standard provides an open source reference implementation. TIFF图像标准提供了一个开源参考实现。
This open source community is developing a reference implementation for the OpenSocial specification and deployment in this environment. 这个开源社区正在开发针对此种环境下的OpenSocial规范和部署的一种参考实现。
ESB Guidance does include a full reference implementation of a working ESB with all the components integrated. ESB指南包括了一个集成所有组件的可工作ESB的完整参考实现。
Interested readers can find such an implementation in the JAXB reference implementation in Resources. 有兴趣的读者可以从参考资料中的JAXB参考实现中找到这样的实现。