Examine speed sensor and lead at the rear left for external damage. 检查左后侧的车速传感器和导线是否有外伤。
The noise occurs after the ignition is switched off and can be heard for approx.10 seconds from the rear left loudspeaker for the time of the control unit run-on. 控制单元连续运行时,左后扬声器在关闭点火开关后发出噪音并持续大约10秒。
The tomb, consisting of a passage, a front chamber and a rear chamber, was left with only one urine pot and three relieves after being looted. 该墓由墓道、甬道、前室及后室组成,由于曾被盗,仅在墓上封土中清理出一件陶虎子,以及墓中残存的三块画像石。
Lean back onto your rear leg and slide the left heal back and'into'the floor so it finishes behind the right leg. 向后倾斜,重心至后脚同时左脚贴着地面向后滑动直至右脚后方。
The historical figures should be observe from multi-angle, the front and rear, the right and left, in the historical study. 对历史人物研究,应当从前后左(RL)右,多重角度去观察。