Associate some arbitrary text with an area of the image and display it either in a separate block or over the top of the image ( potentially stylised as a speech or thought bubble ). 将某些任意文本域图片的某个区域联系起来,并将其显示在独立的区块中或图片顶部。
Because of their efficiency, wide operating range, ease of maintenance and cost factors, sieve and valve trays have replaced the once highly thought of bubble cap trays in many applications. 由于效率高、操作范围广、易于维护且成本低,筛板塔盘和浮阀塔板已经取代曾经广受欢迎的泡罩塔板,并且被应用在诸多行业中。
I thought they 'd go through a transformation bubble similar to Kobe Bryant, changing from ü ber competitive to relaxed and care-free. 我觉得他们已经历经了一个与科比类似的转变,在不断的竞争中感受轻松,并无忧无虑。