Fecal Occult Blood test Every year to detect hidden blood in the stool, a possible sign of colon cancer. 粪便潜血检验每年一次,以检查粪便中是否潜血,粪便潜血是结肠癌的可能徵兆。
Of the patients with a positive fecal occult blood test, 26 % were found upon colonoscopy to have advanced adenoma, and9 % were found to have colorectal cancer. 粪便潜血试验阳性者中,26%经过直肠镜证实患有末期肿瘤,9%发现出大肠直肠癌;
In contrast, of patients with a negative fecal occult blood test, 2 % had advanced adenoma, and none had colorectal cancer. 相对的,粪便潜血试验阴性者中,2%患有末期肿瘤,无大肠直肠癌案例;
Within the last year, have you had a fecal occult blood test ( FOBT ) or a fecal immunochemical test ( FIT )? 过去一年内,是否曾接受过大便隐血测试或大便免疫化学测试?
A comparison of the immunochemical fecal occult blood test and total colonoscopy in the asymptomatic population 对无症状患者进行免疫化学大便隐血试验(FOBT)和全结肠镜检查的比较