They had this little ceremony, gave him a Purple Heart(PH) and a watch. 他们举行了个小颁奖仪式,授予他一个紫心(PH)勋章和一块表。
He has a purple heart. 他有一个紫心(PH)勋章。
His military decorations included the bronze star and four awards of the purple heart. 他的军人勋章包括一个铜星勋章和四个紫心(PH)勋章。
All you 'll have to remember this by will be your purple heart. 能记住的就只有紫色的心。
We were shown snapshots of mL as a boy and a framed photograph of him in uniform, and we also saw his purple heart medal & awarded to him posthumously. 他们给我们看曼梯孩提时的快照和放在镜框里的穿制服的像片。我们还看到了在他死后授予他的紫红色心形奖章。