City bird is one of animals that people love to see and hear, we should protect bird habitats for protecting bird, garden is one of important habitat types, and bird distribution has close relation to plant landscape. 城市鸟类是人们喜闻乐见的动物之一,吸引和保护城市鸟类,首先要保护城市中尚存的鸟类生境,园林是鸟类重要的生境类型之一,且鸟类分布(BD)与园林植物景观关系密切。
Tree Sparrows ( Passer montanus ) used to be a dominant bird widely distribution in Sichuan Province. 树麻雀(Passermontanus)曾是广布于四川各地的优势鸟类。
Global Positioning System was used for the bird fauna distribution, and Fourier non linear statistics model was employed to analyze the survey data and estimate the population amount of dominant bird species. 利用卫星定位技术反映调查区域的鸟类区系分布情况,采用傅立叶非线性统计模型对样带调查数据进行分析,估计主要鸟种的群数量。
Distribution and abundance of the giant petrel ( Macronectes giganteus ) were investigated in the Great Wall Station and its adjacent regions in Antarctica from Nov.1993 to Feb.1994.The results show that the bird had clumpy distribution in the study area. 1993年11月至1994年2月对南极长城站及其周围地区的巨鹱的分布和数量进行了调查,结果表明巨鹱(Macronectesgiganteus)在研究区内呈不均匀分布;
Construction and Practical Analysis of Bird - preventing Helmet for Distribution Line 输电线路用防鸟罩结构及运行分析