The key principle of PA is implement of variable management measures based on the spatial & temporal variability of the environment and status of crops, and towards a low-input, high-efficiency, sustainable agriculture. 精细农业的核心是针对农作物的生长环境及生长状况在空间和时间分布上存在的差异,实施精确的变量管理措施,实现低投入、高效率、可持续的农业生产。
In the international process of enterprises, culture conflict which receives special attention is becoming a key variable to the enterprises ' strategies decision-making and common management. 在企业国际化过程中,文化冲突日益成为企业各项战略决策以及日常管理的重要变量而备受关注。
The key of measure and control technology in livestock breeding field is implemented of variable management measures based on the spatial and temporal variability of the environment and status of livestocks. 禽畜饲养场环境测控的核心是针对禽畜的生长环境,实施精确的测量和控制管理措施。