For example, Create Read Update Delete(CRUD) ( CRUD ) data services may be too fine-grained and not business aligned. 例如,用于创建、读取、更新、删除(CRUD)数据的各项服务的粒度可能太小,无法与业务保持一致。
HTTP methods are mapped to CRUD ( create, read, update and delete ) actions for a resource. HTTP方法映射到资源的CRUD(创建、读取、更新和删除)操作。
NOTE : symfony provides functionality to auto-generate code to provide the Create, Read, Update, and Delete ( CRUD ) functionality based on your database. 注:symfony提供了自动生成代码的功能,用于基于数据库提供Create、Read、Update和Delete(CRUD)功能。
You 'll see some generic interfaces generated by Grails that support CRUD ( create, read, update, delete ) on my domain object. 您将看到在我的域对象中,Grails生成了一些支持CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)的通用接口。
Basic tests should include the testing of validation code and assertions, and database operations such as Create, Read, Update and Delete ( CRUD ). 基本测试应该包括对检验代码和断言以及数据库操作(比如创建、读取、更新和删除,CRUD)的测试。