Nowadays, as the human resource is more and more competitive, whether the company can interact and keep the high quality stuff or not becomes the key to win this competition for the mid-small logistics enterprises in our county. 在人才竞争日益激烈的今天,能否吸引和保留高素质的员工成为了我国中小型物流企业能否在竞争中取胜的关键。
In production of carbon, graphite is a high quality stuff for electrolytic aluminium anode, electrolytic aluminium cathodes, electrode paste and carburetant. 在炭素生产过程中,石墨材料是生产铝用阴极、阳极、电极糊和炼钢用增碳剂等产品的优质原料。
The Construction of a Group of High Quality Library Stuff for the College and Institute 建设一支高素质的高校图书馆员队伍
With rapidly development of Guangdong Electric Network, it requires high quality to operating skills and capability in handling accident of the stuff working in electric substation and network operation system. And also, the corresponding training system should fit the development trend of network. 广东电网的高速发展,对变电站和电网运行人员的电气设备操作技能和事故处理能力提出了更高的要求,相应的培训设备也应适应电网的发展趋势。