I was flattered and agreed, and we drove up Wisconsin Avenue to a Howard Johnson's. 我受宠若惊,同意了邀请,然后驾车沿着威斯康星大街来到一家霍华德。约翰逊快餐店。
That's not to mention the Howard Johnson that became Sanya's biggest deluxe hotel when it opened its1,360 rooms in December. 这还没算上豪生酒店(HowardJohnson)呢,去年12月,拥有1360间客房的三亚豪生大酒店隆重开业,成了三亚豪华型酒店中的老大。
We got the answer from Daniel Stefanaggi, General Manager of Howard Johnson Tech Center Plaza Hefei. 让合肥两淮豪生大酒店总经理斯蒂芬那格先生来告诉我们吧。
Deep into the night, outside Washington, the bus pulled into Howard Johnson's, and everybody got off except Vingo. 夜深了,汽车停在华盛顿郊外的霍华德约翰逊(HOJO)连锁餐馆,除了温格,人都下了车,他仍一丝不动地坐在那里。
When a family stops on a highway in the United States to eat at a Howard Johnson restaurant they know what kind of food they will get and what the price will be. 当一个家庭在美国的公路上停下来,在一家霍华德餐馆就餐的时候,他们知道他们能吃到什么食物,价格是多少。