In a report this week USA Today newspaper said game maker Uncle Milton plans to release a similar game this year. 本周《今日美国》报的一篇报道上提到,游戏制造商unclemilton今年计划推出一款类似的游戏。
Steve Friedman, former executive producer of the " Today " show, is going full steam ahead with his new series," USA Today," based on the newspaper of that name. 曾任“今日”节目制作人的弗里德曼,现正全力进行他的新连续节目“今日美国”-以同名报纸为蓝本。
There are newspaper cuttings on the wall including the interview Jennifer did for USA today when she first met Smith 13 years ago. 墙上还有剪报包括珍妮弗13年前在参加《今日美国》(usatoday)访谈时第一次见到史密斯的报道。