You are paying them to think, solve problems and get stuff done on time. 你要使他们去思考,解决问题,把任务按时完成。
It provides us with the energy we need to get stuff done! 我们需要睡足了才有精力干活!
We used to get stuff done for linderman. 我们以前是一起帮林德曼做事的。
Ordinarily to-do lists can help you cross off projects and get stuff done, but they can't tell you how to be more productive in the future. 普通的工作清单只能帮你划掉已完成的工作,但是却不能告诉你将来如何提高效率。
I know so many people who have the TV on in the background while they are trying to get stuff done. I am guilty of this. 我知道很多人在工作时会把电视打开,我也做过,我很负罪。