Reports went around the world and we actually got a message from the national liberation front of Vietnam praising us. 满世界都是有关这件事的报道,我们竟然真的收到了来自越南民族解放阵线(NLF)的消息,称赞我们的行动。
UNICEF says the children, including one girl, were being held by a dissident group that broke with the rebel National Liberation Front(NLF). 联合国儿童基金会说,这些少年中包括一名女孩,他们被一个从布隆迪反政府组织民族解放阵线(NLF)分离出去的持不同意见的组织所扣押。
The world's romance with his Sandinista National Liberation Front(NLF) ( FSLN ) has soured. 桑迪若民族解放阵线(NLF)家喻户晓的传奇故事已经变质。
The Corsica Corsican National Liberation Front(NLF) 科西嘉民族解放阵线(NLF)
Talk with the delegation from the Party of the National Liberation Front(NLF) of the Democratic People's Republic of Algeria, April 21, 1980 一九八○年四月二十一日会见阿尔及利亚民族解放阵线(NLF)代表团时的谈话