Disability income insurance will help pay for living expenses if you are sick and cannot work. 如果你因病无法工作,无收入能力保险会为你支付生活费。
This is the first of a two-part series on Disability Income(DI) Insurance. 撮要:这是残障收入保险两期专辑的第一辑。
Disability income insurance is almost in blank in China's insurance practice. 失能收入损失保险目前在我国保险实务中几乎处于空白状态。
Problems on Settlement of Claim of Disability Income(DI) Insurance in the United States 美国失能收入损失保险理赔疑难问题简析
HRQOL after stroke is related to age, occupation, past history of stroke, pathological type, disability, level of income, and resource of family income. 年龄、职业、卒中史、卒中病理类型、出院时残疾程度、家庭年均收入以及家庭主要经济来源是影响患者生存质量的主要因素。