A microprocessor's word size also applies to logic that handles data manipulations. 一个微处理机的字长也涉及到实现数据操作的逻辑。
Determination of efficiency for gear units SET BAUD RATE, PARITY, WORD SIZE, AND STOP BITS. GB/T14231-1993齿轮装置效率测定方法//设置波特率,奇偶效验,数据位,停止位。
This article, from the aspect of VFP class teaching and intend to improve teaching effect, mainly focus on the realization of the display control about word style and word size when the main window, command window and program edit window are opened. 本文从VFP的课堂教学出发,阐述了在进入VFP后主窗口、命令窗口和程序编辑窗口按需要的字体和字号(WS)进行显示控制的实现方法,提高教学效果。
Accordingly, the research will be conducted centered with these four factors. Firstly, the rationality of the layout of the primary mathematic textbooks ( three different versions ) is to be analyzed, including character style, word size, word space and page number. 一是对三个版本的小学数学教科书版面设计因素的合理性进行研究分析,包括字体、字号(WS)、字间距、行间距、四周空白宽度以及页码等。
Receive data from wireless sensor network. Through setting baud rate, stop bits, word size and parity of virtual serial port, and then operating serial port with reading and writing to complete USB virtual serial communication between base station and gateway. 3. 完成无线传感器网络数据的接收。设置虚拟串口的波特率、停止位、数据位、奇偶校验位,对串口进行读写操作,实现了基站节点与网关节点之间的USB虚拟串口通信。