On the Shortcomings of the Teaching Video Fitness(VF) Qigong Ba Duan Jin 关于《健身气功&八段锦》视频教学缺失之我见
Check out our video interview with Jacobs here for more of his Future of Fitness predictions 他在以下视频中谈到了健康的未来
The video game industry appears to be alone in bucking a retail recession as consumers turn to fitness workouts, musical jam sessions and fantasy worlds to take their minds off the credit crunch. 电子游戏业似乎独自顶住了零售业低迷的影响。消费者转向健身锻炼、音乐会和幻想世界,以将他们的注意力从信贷危机转移。
Among all the video compression standards, the MPEG-4 standard is universally applied in reality due to its high compression ratio and fitness in net transmission. 在众多的视频压缩标准中,MPEG-4以其高压缩比、适合在网络中传输的特点,在实际应用中最为广泛。