Wearable robotic suits that amplify troop strength and endurance are well on their way to battle. 能帮助人类士兵提升战斗力和持久力的可穿戴式机器套装正在逐步成为现实。
The U.S. Air Force, with its superior equipment and troop strength, has taken the lead among nations in the massive humanitarian effort. 美国空军配备优越,兵力雄厚,在各国从事大规模的人道主义救援工作中采主导地位。
On CNN Late Edition, Hagel disputed President Bush's recent assertion that the " surge " in US troop strength over the past year has brought peace and stability to Iraq. 哈格尔在美国有线新闻网的“最新版本”节目中对布什总统的推断提出质疑,布什总统说,去年增派的美军为伊拉克带来和平与稳定。
Germany's military will reduce its troop strength and get a new central headquarters as part of its biggest reform since the end of World War II, Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping said Wednesday. 德国国防部长夏平周三表示,德国军方将会减少军力并争取成立一个新的中央总部,这些行动是该国自二次世界大战结束以来最大规模军事改革的一部份。
At the other end of the spectrum are Republican lawmakers who oppose any cuts in troop strength, so long as the security situation in Afghanistan remains perilous. 而一些共和党议员则持相反的观点,他们认为,只要阿富汗的安全局势仍然是危险的,他们就反对任何削减军力的计划。