Introduced a basic algorithm of ant colony system with TSP problem, and then the key problems about the construction of a universal and continues ant colony system are discussed, a basic scheme is also put forward. 通过对TSP问题的蚁群算法介绍,初步分析了构造一个通用的、应用于连续空间的蚁群算法的几个关键问题,并提出了构造该算法的基本框架。
Universal shop scheduling problem for manufacturing system and ant colony optimization 制造系统通用作业计划与蚁群算法优化
With the inherent characteristics & being free of charge, equal and universal, public education gradually unveiled itself from the mid of 19th century in Canada, then still an inconspicuous colony under the control of Great Britain. 强调免费、平等、全民的公共教育,于19世纪中期在仍然是英属北美殖民地的加拿大缓缓揭开序幕。