They also had undetectable leels of virus in the brain and low leels in the spleen. 而对病毒在脑的水平及在脾中的低水平表达时他们也不能检测。
The advantage to criminals is that kernel malware is usually undetectable when using standard antivirus and antispyware applications. 罪犯的优势是内核恶意软件用标准抗病毒和抗间谍应用程序通常检测不到。
Instead, their brain waves are very slow and weak, sometime all but undetectable. 代之为非常缓慢和微弱的脑电波,有时甚至不能监测到脑电活动。
Almost undetectable with even the most delicate instruments. 即使最精密的仪器都几乎无法察觉的。
Seven out of eight patients who got the highest dose of the drug had undetectable levels of the virus. 八名患者中七名在服用最大剂量药物后探测不到病毒水平。