Why don't you quit blowing smoke and tell me about the cigar? 你怎不放下烟告诉我有关雪茄的事?
Hank? Rich? Honey, I 'm afraid he's just blowing smoke. 汉克?有钱的时候?亲爱的,我恐怕他只是在吹嘘吧。
When he says he has been all over the world he's just blowing smoke. 如果他说他曾经周游世界时,他只是在自吹自擂而已。
People blowing smoke out of their office windows at night. 有人大半夜在办公室里吞云吐雾。
It has done its own version of the autopsy photo. It has added one of a man choking under a respirator and another of a man blowing smoke out of a tracheotomy hole. 美国自己做了一个版本的尸体解剖照片,还有一张戴着呼吸机、几近窒息的男子照片,以及一名男子从气管上切开的一个洞往外吐烟的图片。