As the senior secretary and personal consultant of the Emperor, they had to meet the special quality demanded in the selection. 作为皇帝的高级秘书和私人顾问(PC),唐代翰林学士的甄选具有特殊的素质要求。
All you need is your Personal Fashion Consultant. 你需要的,只是一个私人时尚顾问。
I thought as a personal league consultant, I actually cannot adjust at all. 我认为作为一个联队顾问,事实上,我根本没有调节。
The millionaire had a personal finance consultant invest his money. 这位百万富翁有一位私人的理财顾问负责他的投资。
I 'm Isabelle Simon, your Personal and Workplace Wellness Consultant. 我是伊莎贝尔西蒙,你的健康顾问,再见!