My husband never even looked at me. I was just a workhorse bringing up three children. 我丈夫甚至从不看我一眼。我只是个任苦任劳养育3个孩子的机器。
The JVM is the workhorse behind the Java application functionality and performance that most Java developers take for granted. JVM是多数开发人员视为理所当然的Java功能和性能背后的重负荷机器。
I finally decided on a Lenovo workhorse of a computer. 最后我决定要买一台联想的重负荷的电脑。
Another workhorse environment variable is the shell's PATH, which enumerates directories to search for an executable. 另一个重要的环境变量是shell的PATH,它列出了搜索可执行文件的目录。
This is the workhorse function which can be used to print text in columns. 这是主力的功能,可用于打印的列中的文本。