Daily rate inclusive of Per Diem, Hotel and Auto Expense. 每天费用包括三餐、酒店和汽车费用。
To the world's number one Grandma. Great! What is the daily rate? 给全天下最棒的奶奶。太棒了,房间一天多少钱?
Establish a customer service center, introduce discount payment system for the automatic deduction of water utility rates from bank accounts and calculation system for daily rate use. 建立消费者服务中心,引入优惠支付系统,通过银行帐户和每日使用频率计算系统自动减少用水费用。
What's the daily rate for a compact car? 一部小型车的每天租金是多少?
The daily rate is $ 32.00plus39cent per mile. 日租金32元,每英里外加3角9分。