This provides the positive attributes of an Electric Vehicle with the driving range equivalent to today's gasoline-powered vehicles. 这为我们提供了练习场,相当于今天的汽油动力汽车,电动汽车的积极属性。
The removal of unnecessary loadings on the engine further contributes to fuel economy and an extended driving range. 去除不必要的载荷对发动机燃料经济性和进一步有助于延长练习场。
We were playing mini golf but it was right near a real driving range. 我们正在打迷你高尔夫,不过它确实靠近一个真正的练习场。
The transport and power system upgrades, which are supported by the government, carmakers and electricity utilities, are designed to promote rapid adoption by easing concerns about the cars ' convenience and driving range. 由政府、汽车制造商及电力公用事业公司支持的交通运输系统和电力系统的升级,意在缓解人们对电动汽车方便程度和行驶里程(DR)的担忧,促进电动汽车的迅速采用。
All the factors that can affect driving range are clearly posted. 电动版飞度会向驾驶者清晰报告所有与续航里程相关的因素。