In general, salinity improved, flavor and increased percent total soluble solids and sugar concentration. 一般而言,盐分提高了风味、溶性固形物及糖的浓度,减少了色斑。
Results indicated that the quality of loquat fruits was deteriorated due to the decrease in the contents of total soluble solids, total titratable acids and juice productivity during storage. 结果发现,枇杷果实采后贮藏期间可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量减少,果肉出汁率快速下降,果实贮藏品质发生劣变。
Total soluble solids can reach 13 % when full ripe picking, and fruit sugar also accumulated. 可溶性固形物在完熟采收期达到13%以上,果实糖含量也不断积累升高。
The contents of total soluble solids, glucose, fructose and sucrose were increased in Ca nutrient solution treated fruit, while the treatment of Ca nutrient solution had little effects on titratable acid content. 高钙营养液的应用增加了延后栽培‘宫川’温州蜜柑果实可溶性固形物、葡萄糖、果糖和蔗糖含量,但对可滴定酸含量的影响不明显。
Edible rate, juice percentage, total soluble solids, total sugars, vitamin C and protein content of the fruit with high severity ( 80 % ) were markedly reduced. 当病藻寄生严重度为80%的夏橙果实显著降低了果实可食率、出汁率、可溶性固形物、总糖、维生素C和蛋白质含量。