Now that we have discussed the meaning of a graphical solution of a system of simultaneous equations and the method of plotting a line, we are in a position to find graphical solutions of systems of linear equations. 由于我们已讨论过联立方程组的图解法和绘制直线的方法,我们就能够找出线性方程组的图解法。
This not only overcame the shortcomings in graphical solutions effectively but also perfected the synthetic methods in computation and analysis methods of the crank-rocker members and provided the theory basis for the selection of the type design of mechanisms. 这不仅有效地克服了图解法的缺陷,而且完善了曲柄摇杆机构的解析综合法,并为两类机构的选型设计提供了理论依据。
Method of characteristics, graphical interpretation of the solutions, wave breaking. 特征值方法,解的图像阐释,波的阻断。
The preference information of the decision maker is incorporated into the algorithm interactively vie the graphical user interface in order to guide the algorithm to find the solutions located in the desired regions. 通过图形用户界面在多目标优化进化算法中交互式地引入决策者的偏好信息,使算法搜索到期望区域内的解。