Another unexpected event, though of quite a different order, occurred one evening in 1973 1973年的一个夜晚,又发生了一件始料未及的事情,不过这两件事完全不同。
Henchard's life experience was complicated and full of unexpected event. Henchard的生活经历是复杂的而且充满了意外事件(UE)。
Potential participants should be told if there are any known or anticipated side effects and what will happen in the event of a side effect or an unexpected event. 有意参加者应被告知,是否有任何已知或可能的副作用,万一发生了副作用或意外事件(UE)会怎么样。
Concept of Social Unexpected Event(UE) Characteristics and Research Value 社会突发事件概念、特征与研究价值
" Crisis ", to which delegates must respond immediately, is an emergent matter or unexpected event that happens during a conference. 危机是会议进行当中,各国代表需要立即处理的突发性事件。