The centimetre-thick volumes contain the names, ID numbers and other details on the roughly 80,000 employees that Huawei says own almost 99 per cent of the company under an employee stock option plan. 这些厚达数公分的册子里记录着约80000名员工的姓名、身份证号码以及其他个人信息。华为表示,根据一项员工股票期权计划(ESOP),册中的员工持有公司约99%的股份。
According to the practice of our country, the article pays much more attention to the Employee Stock Option Plan(ESOP) ( Esop ) and Executive Stock Option ( Eso ). 第二章和第三章根据我国的实际,提出普遍的员工持股计划和针对少数高层管理人员的经理人股票期权计划。
Employee's Compensation Incentive in the Future : Combination of Stock Option Plan and Employee Profit Sharing & Stock Bonus 未来薪酬激励:股票期权与分红配股并行