The message you want to display for that particular error check is passed to the if_error function. 对应于该特定错误检查(ECK)的消息将传递给iferror函数。
The error check is complete for the entire sheet. 对整个工作表执行错误检查(ECK)。
Examinee database error check has important meaning to examinee data accuracy. 考试报名数据差错检查对于考生数据准确性具有重要意义。
It is used to error check the pluglet code, and it provides code completion. 它用来为pluglet代码检查错误,并完成代码。
If an organization sets standards for which shapes are to represent different objects in a process, there is no way to error check to be sure that the shapes are used correctly. 如果组织设置了相应的标准,规定哪些形状表示流程中的不同对象,则没有办法进行错误检查(ECK),无法确定形状是否使用正确。