In this paper, dry process of preparing cationic starch is reviewed. 评述了近年来季铵型阳离子淀粉干法制备研究进展。
The kiln inlet is the biggest source of pollution in the new dry process cement clinker production line. 对于新型干法水泥熟料生产线,窑尾是生产线最大的污染源。
This some technical progress, has welcomed the dry process, the semi-dry process desulphurization haze desulphurization technology recent fast development time. 这一些技术的进步,迎来了干法、半干法脱硫烟气脱硫技术的新快速发展时期。
The Pueraria lobata starch was used as raw material to synthesize starch phosphoester by dry process. 以葛根淀粉为原料,采用干法工艺(DP)制备淀粉磷酸酯。
The novel dry process for the production of cement was introduced as well as the production process of coal ash brick. 具体介绍了新型干法生产水泥的工艺及灰渣砖生产工艺。