I had zero minutes of exercise yesterday, so my maximum heart rate during exercise wasn't calculated. 昨天我运动了零分钟,所以我无法计算运动时每分钟的最大心跳值;
Traditionally, the formula for maximum heart rate is220 minus your age. 传统地,最大心率(MHR)的公式是220减掉你的年龄。
It's the maximum heart rate that will help you burn those last few pounds of fat. 它是帮助您甩掉最后几磅脂肪的最高心率;
There is a formula that will determine your Maximum Aerobic Heart Rate, which is the maximum heart rate you can go and still burn fat as the main source of energy in your muscles. 有一个公式可以确定您的最高有氧心率,它是跑步时,您能够燃烧脂肪为肌肉提供主要能量的最高心率;
HEART RATE Heart rate is tricky because a new runner could reach tempo pace at60 percent of maximum heart rate, while a well-trained runner might achieve tempo pace at90 percent. 心率是有限制的,因为跑步新人可能在60%mHR之时达到乳酸门槛配速,而训练有素者可能在90%mHR之时达到乳酸门槛配速。