The experimental results show that the discriminative feature extraction is superior to the classical MFCC. 实验结果表明,基于新特征的语言辨识系统的性能优于基于MFCC参数的系统性能,提高了系统的语言辨识率。
In feature extraction, a new feature extraction algorithm base on discriminative training of GMM called discriminative feature extraction ( DFE ) is applied in language identification. Classical feature extraction model is independent of the design of the classifiers. 在特征提取模块,本文将一种新的基于GMM模型区分性训练算法的特征提取方法应用到语言辨识系统。
This dissertation focuses on the key problems, such as the feature extraction in text classification, clustering analysis, and the query expansion, and proposes the novel algorithms as follows. ( 1 ) Discriminative Semantic Analysis based Text Feature Extraction. 本文针对文本挖掘中的若干关键问题,例如文本分类的特征抽取、聚类分析以及查询扩展等,展开了如下的研究:(1)基于鉴别语义分析的文本特征抽取。
After augmentation, the discriminative information is successfully strengthened at some extent, which greatly benefits the follow-up processes : feature extraction and classification. 经过样本扩充,鉴别信息得到了一定的强化,更利于特征抽取和分类识别。
This makes the classifier, which based on the discriminative function, can only judge and analyze the ERPs signal by extracting the its features, and the feature extraction is directly related to the accuracy of the classification results. ERPs信号的数据维数往往有几万维之高,基于判别函数的分类器,需要在对其进行特征提取的情况下才能加以判别分析,而特征提取的好坏又直接关系到分类结果的准确性。