A unit test is the initial testing of new and changed code in a module. 单元测试(UT)是模块中新代码和变更代码最初进行的测试。
Code and Unit Test(UT) Components. 编码和单元测试(UT)组件。
This article thoroughly studied both AOP and software unit test technology and found the relationship between the two. 本文分别深入研究了面向方面编程技术和单元测试(UT),发现了两者之间的联系。
This behaviour ensures that you can't miss a unit test failure. 这一行为确保了你不可能遗漏任一个单元测试(UT)失败。
One or more tools are deployed for the unit test. 单元测试(UT)配置有一个或多个工具。