Rudolph(R) said no more. Apparently he was a man of few words. 鲁道夫(R)没再说话。看来他是个寡言少语的人。
Then the depression had thrown almost everybody out of work and the jerry-built houses had been neglected, and as rudolph's mother complained, the entire town had become a single slum. 接着,经济萧条差不多使所有的人都失了业,那些偷工减料盖成的房子也都无人照料;正如鲁道的母亲所抱怨的那样,整个市镇简直成了一个贫民窟。
But I haven't told anyone yet, not my mother or Rudolph(R). 但我还没有告诉任何人,不是我的母亲或鲁道夫(R)。
Rudolph(R) frowned, opened and shut his big right hand, and dropped it clenched upon his knee. 鲁道夫(R)皱起了眉头,打开和关闭他的大右手,并放弃了它在他膝盖握紧。
Rudolph(R) felt depressed and miserable. 鲁道夫(R)感到抑郁和不幸。