And it take current popular oracle 10g database as a platform, take following the Common Warehouse Model(CWM) ( CWM )'s oracle warehouse builder as a tool, design rapidly and deploy data warehouse. 并以当前流行的Oracle10g数据库为平台,以遵循通用数据仓库标准(CWM)的ORACLEWAREHOUSEBUILDER为工具,在图形界面下快速设计、部署数据仓库。
It was a fairly high-level interface that required users to understand a very rich metamodel ( based on the Common Warehouse Metamodel ) and a rich query model. 它是一个相当高层次的接口,要求用户理解非常多的元模型(基于公共仓库元模型)和大量的查询模型。