As a surgeon, Philip was exceptionally gifted. 作为外科医生,菲利普才华出众。
We may not be silver-tongued or exceptionally gifted, but we all have something to give & a skill or talent to share in Christ's name. 我们未必伶牙俐齿或才华出众,但我们都有一些东西可以与人分享,我们可以奉基督的名与人分享我们的一个技能或才干。
She's exceptionally gifted in music. 她有出众的音乐天赋。
Mr Rooney is an exceptionally gifted footballer, but has few other evident talents. If he were not employed as a footballer, his earnings would probably be modest. 作为一名球员,鲁尼禀赋出众,但他没有什么其它明显的才能。如果不是干上了足球这一行,他的收入可能会很一般。
NIDA's primary role is to select and train exceptionally gifted young people at a tertiary level, preparing them for careers in theatre, film and television. 国立戏剧学院的主要作用是选拔和培训具有天赋的年轻人,为他们将来从事戏剧、电影、电视工作做准备。