The asinh () function returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number. 函数的作用是:返回至各指定数值所对应的反双曲正弦(SINH)值。
The method is an implicit iterative scheme with a hyperbolic sine transform for the matric potential. 这个方法使用了水土势双曲正弦(SINH)变换的隐式差分格式。
Definition of hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine by a series of expansion powers 双曲正弦(SINH)和双曲余弦的幂级数定义
For variable structure control chattering problem, the design of the hyperbolic sine function instead of sign function of the gesture tracking devices. 针对变结构控制中的抖振问题,设计了采用双曲正弦(SINH)函数代替符号函数的姿态跟踪器。
A new hyperbolic sine constitutive equation described by the parameters Zener-Holloman was proposed in Ti-17 and well verified by the experiment. 建立了应用Zener-Holloman参数表征的双曲正弦(SINH)本构模型方程,通过对本构方程进行实验验证,得到了令人满意的回归效果。