In general, you should avoid long and pointer data as much as possible. 通常,您应该尽可能地避免使用long和pointer数据。
This function takes two arguments : a long and a pointer to a long that's defined as__user. 这个函数使用了两个参数:一个long类型,以及一个指向被定义为user的long的指针。
C + + code developed in Win32 systems is based on the ILP32 model, where int, long, and pointer types are32 bits. 在Win32系统中开发的C++代码是基于ILP32模型的,在该模型中,int、long和指针类型都是32位的。
One is the network of representation of information content that share with long - term memory, the other is the pointer neuronal loop. 其一为与长时记忆共有的信息内容表达网络,另一个为指针神经元环路。
When a long string variable is assigned a string constant, the string pointer is assigned the address of the memory block generated for the string constant. 当一个串变量被赋予一个串常量时,串指针被赋予串常量内存块的地址。