Wireless Mesh network is a high-rate and high-capability network, it is a new type of distributed network solved " the last mile " and we can consider it as the simple edition of Ad hoc network. 无线Mesh网络是一种高速率、高容量的多点对多点网络,是一种新型的解决最后一英里问题的分布式网络,可把它看成是adhoc网络的简化版本。
The author introduces a universal authentication protocol, RADIUS protocol. Considering the characteristic of the dynamic identity system, the author realized a simple edition of Radius Server. With this simple Radius Server, the author successfully solved the integration problem. 该文介绍了国际通用的RADIUS认证协议,并针对动态口令系统的特点,实现了该协议的简单化版Radius服务器,成功地解决了动态口令与原有系统的结合问题。
Wireless Mesh network is a high-rate and high-capability network, we can consider it as the simple edition of Ad hoc network. 无线网状网是一种高速率、高容量的多点对多点网络,可把它看成是adhoc网络的简化版本。
The pilot project nature of open fund has determined that it will not be the simple foreign imitation, it will not be the second edition with existing fund either. 开放式基金的试点性质决定了它不会是简单的模仿国外的设立方式,也不会是现有基金的再版。
Through image-reading the printouts of the graphic prospectus, the users can achieve a simple layout of pictures and articles in the system of academic journal edition. Key words : WPS Office; graphical plot; 对系统打印输出的图形样张通过图像读取方式,可实现期刊社专业书版系统平台中的简单图文混排。