File compare is a way to find something wrong. 文件比较(FC)是发现病毒的一种方法。
Do this for different file formats and compare the sizes of each for presentation on the Web. 为不同的文件格式进行这个操作并对比每一个的大小。
You can also use this information to retrieve a local copy of any version of the file or to compare any two file versions. 还可以使用该信息检索任何文件版本的本地副本,或比较任何两个文件版本。
In 1737, TANG-Ying had presented a list about the second class imperial porcelains to emperor, according to this file we can compare the cost price of blue and white porcelain with that of the Ming Dynasty. 乾隆二年(1737年)唐英奏报了一份次色御器的表册,由此档可以与明代比较青花的制价。
Specifies the version of the file or folder to compare. 指定要比较的文件或文件夹的版本。