The number of leading zeros discovered is the bit value of a particular stamp. 所找到的前导零的数目就是特定戳记的比特值。
The trick in checking CPU capability is to demand a high bit value with a short expiration. 校验CPU能力的方法是,要求在短期间内得到高比特值。
Given the uniformity and cryptographic strength of SHA-1, the only known way to discover a hashcash stamp of a given bit value b is by running SHA-12 ^ b times on average. 给定SHA-1的一致性与加密强度,找出给定比特值的hashcash戳记的惟一已知途径是平均2^b次运行SHA-1。
Such errors may be manifested as bit value error or loss of packets. 传输流是一种可以在误码率比较高的环境下传输的码流结构,这种错误表现为数据的误码和分组的丢失。
Every moment is an opportunity to create a little bit of value. 每一个时刻都是一个机会,来让我们创造出一小点价值。